Tuesday 21 June 2016

The Mystic and the Mind

A mystic is a person who lives in mystery, shadow, the fringes of society, one who knows occult secrets and practices in sacred ritual.  There are other definitions out there, but this one, is mine.  The mystic is one who works to reveal the ways of the illusionary world to those who have the open-mindedness to accept the mysteries that have been hidden by conventional teaching in school or dogmatic practice.  A mystic, also known to some as psychic, is one familiar with the activity of "clair".  Clairaudience, Clairsentience, Clairvoyance, Clairalience, Claircognizance to name but a few.  Some cultures may use the word "shaman".  But what these people really represent are the potential of our human mind to connect to the thread of time, experience, and comprehension of everything that ever was, is, and yet to be.  

The mind is one of development and expansion, looking always outwardly at another source to pin knowledge to, rather than seek the knowing within, into wisdom.  For what is wisdom really but a resonating truth so profound that it causes a physiological response of joy or excitement.  So many are writing their perspective of their experience, yet more still follow these nuggets of wisdom trying to seek their own truth.  Yet humanity cannot be saved by another's actions if it does not directly affect this timeline.  For example, one who died in battle to save my country from tyranny, does not save me from tyranny today.  What the mystic provides is confirmation, or consolidation of a path chosen by the individual.  The mystic does not, or at least, should not offer absolutes, but rather the likelihood of facts as they appear on a current timeline.  Yet sometimes, these do in fact, become true occurrences.  It means, that the timeline was not changed from the moment of knowing.  And perhaps the mystic tapped into a timeline so secure, that fate was inevitable.  A mystic also offers guidance to another of what is needed to heal, or to grow (expand) as a soul.  The mind of a mystic is of symbols, or metaphors.  Occasionally there is a phrase or sentence, but often it is in pictures or sensations.  Another practice of a mystic is that of listening.  Tapping into a wisdom greater than itself so that it may learn of what the cosmic mind wishes to share.  Think of this mind as a master computer, collecting data from every computer ever created and in operation.  The knowledge is vast and limitless, but the wisdom to choose what knowledge to share, relies solely on the individual mystic; and what is accepted by another based on their own free will.  The mystic may try to convey truth, or an alternative perspective to aid the one seeking a thread to follow.  As though the lost child walks through a dark forest, only to be guided to a single lit cabin.  A mind closed cannot hear the words of the mystic.  Nor can a mind wrapped in dogma hear the words of mental liberation.  Yet the mystic must also learn when to stop talking, teaching and guiding and allow the traveler to find their own way.  Think of the mystic as an eye able to see a clear path, and the hand reaching out to guide you.  It is always and only up to you, to either see the same path, choose another, or accept the guidance of the mystic to guide you onto one that will most benefit your evolution.

By Arthena Sophia

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