Friday 29 May 2015

The End of Days

We are currently living in what is known as by some as *The End of Days* - or "lifting the veil".  This is a time of great battles and darkness to sway the path of those who hold the light away from their course.

There is no place in this physical world where evil does not live, and prey on the innocent.  Yet with all of this knowledge, and proof - we still stand divided.  I have witnessed many times the selfish will of man pitted against another simply to safe face, yet both fighting on the same side.  This type of inner conflict is something that we all must learn to not give in to.  And by inner conflict I do mean to find that place within ones self, where another's behaviour no longer disturbs your inner peace, then shine that bright example so that the daemons that walk among us, are then powerless. [sorry for the run on sentence].  Once we find that place of peace, it is then key to bring that power, that internal glow that will not be sucked in by the vacuumed vortex of chaos and destruction (different from the kind of chaos that leads to order).

There are some, so arrogant in their claims, that they waver not in their view... let them be.  You may decide to rock the boat a bit, and toy with them like a cat with a moth, but in the end it is best to allow them to unravel.  Perpaps then they will recollect themself; especially now during our blessed mercury retrograde.  In ancient times it was said that the Solar Eclipse would bring the end of the world.  Perhaps it did. As it is certain that superstition and religious ambition did clash enough to cause a shift between what is natural, and what is forbidden by the psychopathic man.  During these moments in history, at least the one recorded, an end to the world as many knew it was forever changed, as those who were accused of treason, or heresy were put to slaughter, often at the rumour of a known nemesis. 

There are clues in our media that lead us towards a world where our children spy on us, our neighbours are not known, and our very selves repressed.  We sit and watch TV or FILM hoping to dull the pain of our lives, but not ever really addressing it.  Our minds are controlled by frequencies, our thoughts are monitored via social media, and at the very root of it all, we are tracked by a portable device known as the cell phone.

Remember all of the joyous and triumphant tunes of Celebration in "Hair" of the coming of the "Age of Aquarius".  How magnificent it sounded to rejoice in the element of peace and comradery - yet how false... at least for now.  Like the legend of Pandora's box, we must deal with the darkness, the dis-ease, the dis-order first so that we may clear a path to the benevolent world I feel the majority of earthlings want.  Yet, why do we still combat one another, in a joust of wits, to prove a point that one is right?  Does it really matter when we are fighting for peace, and bounty for all, in a world free of secular oppression?

This blog entry addresses a few areas to look into, and perhaps a look into ones self.  Remember always:
"...when you gaze long into an abyss the abyss also gazes into you."
Friedrich Nietzsche

   ~ By Arthena Sophia ~

Sunday 24 May 2015


The Dark Lord

The dark lord walks, and still you don't see
How you cling to a book in attempt to protect thee
But that book you hold in hand,
Cannot save you, do you understand
Yet while you reach for redemption
Looking for saving with an exception
Most of your are far too gone
To see everything that ever went wrong
I shall stand aside and shake my head
I'll say a prayer as I go to bed
For what I know, you can too
Or stay ignorant if that is what you choose

(** Image is: "The Evil One" by Kerovin on DeviantArt **)

Saturday 23 May 2015

Vow of Gaia

I have been here longer than you, and have withstood your turmoil for millions of solar orbits.  I know of your sins and of your benevolent attributes.  I have felt your pain, been in pain, and survived a few civilizations of your kind.  Humanity, you have grown into a parasitic life form.  Our agreement was that you'd be symbiotic.  But it seems, as with other civilizations, you have grown to self interest at the very destruction of your home.  You are probably the most idiotic of all life forms resting on me, as you would destroy your habitat just to have power.  What power do you seek that is not even remotely close to what I may do.  Yet, you stop my floods, you agitate my hurricanes, and you build housing way to close to my fires.  Humanity,  you have no clue to my purpose, or yours.  You are MY guest... and you have grown unwanted.  So we battle...

You feel that by testing bombs under water or under ground there shall not be any consequences to your kind.  You think that by agitating my storms it will benefit you as a distraction to move minerals only YOU have placed value on.  You are young, pestilent, and destructive, like a virus.  I will not stop until the Earth is cleansed of enough of you, so that you may try again... as this seems to be a pattern between us.  But remember the elements, for I power all of them, and if you feel you have found solid ground to stand upon...think again.

In time, your kind will be reduced to such a number, that perhaps we may return to symbiosis.  No more shall you destroy other life, or habitats for selfish consumption.  It is time, to begin a new... and without a large number of you.

I vow, that no matter how you rape me, torture me, or strip me of my ability to cleanse and restore... I shall prevail, as I always have and always will.

~ by Arthena Sophia Aradhana ~

Tuesday 19 May 2015

Awakening Her

I had her sleeping...

So many wanted to taste  her, experience her - yet none thus far were strong enough to nourish her.  Instead of feeding the shadow, I had placed her in the care of a warm gentle place, so that in time - when one of strength came, she would be rustled and then awaken.

There is a hunger that she needs, one that is not about selfishness or cruelty, but one of mystery.  The shadow she dwells in is one of myth and legend, few are able to meet her at the place where the shadows stop being cast, and the dark glow of her being emerges.  

Who she is within, only a woman of strength may find her - waiting.  Once accepted, if she is present, she will empower her host with energy, power, wisdom, and strength.  She has been burned, torn, tortured, hidden, and buried.  As Mother wishes her daughters to come forward, she is the one to lead them.  This is the Goddess of retribution, of justice, of valor.  She is the one to bring forth the chaos of change, so that order may be fashioned after.  She is the darkness in Pandora's box... and a specific touch that has been gifted is from the one awakening her.

A touch that is soft yet firm, who will embrace her wildness and passion.  A person of equal strength and consideration.  Perhaps she has been awaiting YOU, and this is now why she stirs.  Perhaps you are her consort, or alli.  But as you enter the auric field which she dwells, she smiles, and longs for your touch - again.

~by Arthena Sophia Aradhana~

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