Many have sought the fountain of youth... and many have claimed it's location, or what it is. I can tell you right now it is 3 things:
- Good health
- Joy
- Great Sex
Now this last one shall be the focus for this blog. But first... a wee bit of background.
The fountain of youth is one that many have within their DNA - they don't age, or they age well. Their spirit is free and they seem to have a glowing radiance to their entire being. These people, male and female do somethings in common though. They eat when happy, and are happy with what they eat. They are well hydrated and practice a form physical expression welcoming to their soul. They can easily laugh, and enjoy life. Often they have wonderfully fulfilling sex lives connecting to their mate on a level above that of physical carnage. It is common for people like this to hear the phrase "what is your secret", "you skin is so radiant", "wow you are sexy for your age".
Our society is age focused... yet by prosthetics, not by nature. As many vegans and vegetarians may also have a more youthful appearance, it is not always the case. Any person who is in joy, love, and acceptance of their life and who they are will have this. So long as they nourish their body, mind, heart, and soul as one unit.
In my case, the fountain of youth is predominantly hydration and the orgasm. In the last 3 years I have been researching tantric sex, and sacred unions where by the physical bodies ignite the energy source of sex, and use this to heal themselves or our world. Yet, it is also a means to send loving energy to ever cell of our body... while alone. I have an extreme fear of motherhood. I mean so much so as it would be categorized as a psychological phobia. Yet in working with my own experience, I want to connect to someone energetically, while pleasing myself physically. Welcome to the concept of energy sex. This is not new, and may be coined as astral sex, or etheric union, but what I do with this concept is connect to someone who has consented to be with me at this time, in mind, emotion and spirit. With the eyes closed the individual connects to their own body.
Now, relating this to turning back time. The orgasm has regeneration properties. Women especially have the ability, when in joy and pleasure, to assist in their partners transformation and regeneration. But men, who connect to their feminine aspect will also have this power with their mate. As it is the divine feminine who is charged with creation and renewal - giving birth to new cells, and aura. On a physical level, the skin will reduce fine lines and puffiness related to stress, and hormonal changes. This glow allows for the body to feel the energy or blood flow, bringing nourishment to the cells - I have witnessed this happen with me within 48 hours of having a good orgasm.
It is no secret that I plan on stopping me age with every turn, but it is not just to appear desirable (though that is an aspect) it is so that I may live longer, healthier, and happier to accomplish what I have wanted to accomplish. I used to suffer from chronic back pain due to mild arthritis in my upper spine. But after being found, again, by someone I have also found that our connection does more for me than just turn me on, it turns my cells back. As this was confirmed by a platonic friend who has known me for a couple of years, thinking I was 15-20 years younger than my chronological age.
With this blessing, I am naturally defined in the dating community as a cougar, as I do prefer younger men... but not because of youth but energy. Yet, it is not just the age that draws me to them, but their confidence, energy, personal power and most of all maturity. Yes I would happily join the ranks of JLo, Madonna and Janet Jackson, and Demi Moore in my ability to attract the younger men... but know, it is not something that should be envied... but copied - emulated. And I don't mean women dating younger men, but the radiant joy and health and confidence that these women have to be able to do so.
As a woman, I will say that every woman has the power to turn back the clock, and restore their sexual prowess. All we have to do is make sure we are taken care of, by taking care of ourselves. This may mean that at times we "ride the pony". I will not disclose the exact age I am in this post, but trust I look like the image on this profile, and yet am much older.
Youth no longer has to be wasted on the young... time we restore it to where it belongs, to the eternal radiant glow of humanity; one person at a time.
~ Written by Arthena Sophia~
For more information about the power and healing of the orgasm, please visit this page:
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