Wednesday 19 August 2015

Darkened Lover

"Fuck me hard against a wall
and pound me with your cock

Hold me close give me your all
as my nails scratch down your back."

Yeah, this is the kinda love I desire.  Not one of violence or malice, but one with such a deep acceptance and comprehension that my carnal desires are quenched.

There are not many men who can handle a woman like me.  One who knows her power, her divinity, and her carnal urges to such a mastery, that no other delivery of fucking will do.  I have chosen a few to engage with energetically who will satisfy my energy needs like the true succubus I am, and who will also be open to the true healing transformation this offers.  Both Gods and Demons have tried to please me, and to be honest, it is only when they are combined in the same human vessel is my thirst ever quenched.   Thanks to social media I have found both my niche and my authentic self in delving into the power of the orgasm to propel forward, and to manifest profound desires into my life. 

The only lover that will even match me now is one who has managed to integrate both his light with his shadow; to glow in the dark if you will.  One who will allow me to be sadistic and domineering in a way of only love and respect.  Reading this you are likely perplexed by these statements, and if so, I welcome you to the way of the shadow.  For many months I have been cultivating on how to thrive in the darkness, and revealing hidden strengths and skill overlooked by societal programming.  The two things I have embraced that go against much of history for women is that I fucking love sex (with the right person), and I am empowered enough to get what I want (in sex and in life).  As my soul evolves into a dual chalice of solid and liquid, know that there is a quickening of others who are doing the same.  It is likely that others who have also accepted the duality as a unity have lead me to this place within myself.

The shift in dark love (not cruel love) has been a great one. It has been shown via cruelty, ignorance, taboo, and even non-conventional means.  Yet it is wonderful to see.  2 people, two authentic people who adore one another so unconditionally that no level of vulgarity is seen as wrong.  Often the new age dogma of unconditional love is something only allowed in the light, or lighter grey areas.  But to truly love someone unconditionally you must see the beast, learn to work with it, or allow it to be, and then love it as part of the one who stands before you.  True unconditional love is transformational.  Yet how many can look into their beloveds eyes, see a demon and still love them.  I have, but that is another tale for another time.  For this blog it is about accepting the all of the person.  Their pain, their shame, their weaknesses an their cruelty.  Then via love and acceptance - the two of you are transformed.  And this can only happen when you love the vulgarity of you.

So many misconceptions of good and evil; and sexual prowess, especially in woman is seen as a great evil.  Yet when harnessed with responsibility, it can be a beautiful and world transforming.  for imagine a woman, who loves her body, soul, mind and heart to such a degree that every man she chooses to make love to, in her own authentic self, is also transformed to the level he is ready for.  What if each time they join in loving physical play, he is solidified in his own whole self?  THIS is the power that I, and other women like me possess when ready to do so.

To close this post, I'd like to tilt my hat to the dark one who makes my loins glow at the simple site of his name.  Thank you my love.

( for D)

Monday 3 August 2015

Inhale My Lust


God of All Pleasures...
Yet, misunderstood.

A couple of years ago I remember having a conversation with a dear friend who was visited by Lucifer, as the angel, one of darkness, who isn't evil, but rather looms in the shadows.  As he dwells in darkness, what he reveals is the true light he brings.  This light is the one feared by those in religion, as what it allows is self governing, self responsibility, and also, self induced suffering.  This angel of earthly desires simply only wants you to have what you want, and yet, if you are destroyed by it - so it is.  Unlike the benevolent God in the sky who gives you what you wish based on what is best for you, and what shall raise you to your highest good, the Lord of light grants you your exact wish.  You want a job with more money? Done.  You want a better sex life? Done  You want more people to respect you? Done.  Yet... beware the adage "be careful what you wish for, or you might just get it."  So when your wish turns on you, and you are consumed by it, you turn to God and blame him for allowing you this turmoil.  Yet God knows the will of the Dark Lord, and knows that some have to learn how to achieve what they want, rather than just be given it.  Life however is the best teacher, and the master of these teachings is Lucifer.

I have talked endlessly on the power within the darkness, but never have I quite eluded to how to cultivate it for your own benefit.  Years ago, I came across a woman who offered embracing therapy.  She would bring you back to the first time you are able to recollect a feeling of shame, abandonment, pain, sorrow, or regret.  Then she guides you to embrace this feeling, and learn the lessons from it.  During my accounts with her, I learned of how far back my dense energies go. I learned to derive power from accepting those feelings.  I also learned to transmute them into light.  I do this by imagining myself as a great violet flame, of transmutable light... and every dark or dense feeling, is like a coal in my fire.  And yet, as I burn, I feed on the energy within that coal - lust for example.  While I am consuming this sensation of physical pleasure, I raise it.  Like the kundalini I raise it.  As it rises, I feel myself open up, expand and explore the world around me.  Then when it reaches the chakra to transmute it (in this case my heart - into love and healing), then I explode this coal and allow the residual energy to envelope me, changing from black to green, or pink, thus healing my body, my soul, my mind, and my heart.  The lust is no more, and all I feel is love, and lightness.

Now back to my love affair with the Dark One.

Pan is the Greek Pantheon God of Lust and Desires.  To be honest, nothing turns me on more than this fella. As his ability to transform into the delicious mate I desire for my own gratification, he also offers to reveal the areas of me that hide my gifts, talents, and passions.  Through these experiences, I learn of ways to earn money, I tap into energy to persevere through adversity, and most of all - I find healing.  In my many encounters with the Demon of Earthly pleasures, I have been gifted not just physical things, but a closer relationship with my divine self.  For the deeper I go into my abyss, the higher I rise into the heavens.  I could tell you stories of elation and pure love for another... but you may read about that on my other blog section where my experiences of higher frequencies may be found.  But this section, is for me to explore, and share with you, the delicious power of fueling the self with ones own darkness.

Our world is in polarity, this is not hidden.  But the free will of man has been spoiled by materialistic items, and selfish desires not worthy of our kind.  With all this, these wishes are granted.  Some desire to hunt a great beast, and in so achieving this feel the hatred of the world on his shoulders.  Some want to have immeasurable fame, only to be used as a slave for another's gain.  While all of these wishes were granted, what came has been what they may perceive as hell. This is the work of Lucifer, not God.  While many of these people praise God for these achievements, he passes the baton to Lucifer, with a wink and a nod.

The bible has it wrong... God and the Devil are not in opposition, but are a team.  Granting healing, joy and pleasure to all of humanity.  Yes Lucifer does heal.  Sometimes in ways unseen.  Removing tumors so a scientist can discover an atomic bomb that kills millions, or allowing a cripple to walk, only to then bomb a building.  Perhaps allowing the blind to see, and causing them to crash into a tower.  Yet, God only gets the praise for healing if it is in complete benevolence.  I have said, the balance must be kept.  We cannot appreciate love, without knowing fear; we cannot know joy, without feeling shame.  We cannot know acceptance, without experiencing hate.  So during these times of work in the 4th dimension we are supposed to reach deep into the dark recesses of ourselves to simply pull out that candle to light our way home.

Right now, Pan has brought me here, and before him Baphomet, as the one known as the devil. He is your friend and your enemy, for he is aspects of the self you deny.

~ Arthena Sophia